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Select Hidrolik Makina İthalat ve İhracat Sanayi ve tic. Ltd. Şti.

Select Hidrolik Makina İthalat Ve İhracat Sanayi Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Información De La Empresa

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SELECT HYDRAULIC was founded in 2017 by engineers with many years of experience in production and sales. SELECT HYDRAULIC is export-based company and main activities are production and sales of parts for: - Iron and Steel Industry - Heavy Construction Equipment - Spare parts for Automotive Industry - Defense Industry - Customs Manufacturing Select Hydraulic has been producing wide range of products related to hydraulic cylinders, forging and casting with our production partners with very high quality and competitive price level.
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Información De La Compañía
Código Nace: 469004
Cámaras En Las Que Está Registrado
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Responsables De La Empresa
Sevinay Demirci Ventas responsables
Estadísticas De La Empresa
2017 Año De Fundación
0-5 Número De Empleados
2000 Área Abierta
2000 Área Cerrada
4094 Personas Que Visitaron
0 Obtuvo Puntuación En Listofcompany

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