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우리에 대해

Akkaya Heating Instruments and Natural Gas Ind. And Trd. Inc. was established in 1964. Our company has been operating in the production and sales of heating instruments since the day its foundation. Steam boilers, hot water boilers, hot oil boilers, solid fuel combustion systems, and boiler room auxiliary equipment are the main products of Akkaya Inc.

Established in the Konya 1. Organized Region on a 14000 m2 open area, our company operates in its modern and big facility in accordance with the ISO9001-2015 quality system. Our company has been ISO 9001-2000 certified since 2003. Our boilers are designed and manufactured in accordance with the PED European pressure vessel directive, and all our related products have the CE certificate.

The installation, commissioning and after-sales services of all our projects are carried out by our in-house service team.

Increasing its market share in more than 60 countries all over the world every year, Akkaya Inc continues to grow steadily and decisively.

New technologies are adapted to both product groups and production equipment without any delay, and our engineers continue their research and development activities to improve existing products and design new products.

Our experience of more than half a century in the boiler industry is our most important strength to ensure the satisfaction of our customers.

We would be honored to provide the best services to you just as we do our existing customers all around the world.

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60 Adet
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