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Aksevinç Park Çocuk Oyun Grupları ve Kent Mobilyaları Ltd. Şti.

Информация О Компании

О Нас
“Strong roots are needed to be strong” In 1984, Mehmet SEVİNÇ, the founder of our company, laid the foundation of our company, in a modest workshop at the Meram Industrial Zone, which has the oldest history of Konya. When we started our working life adventure, we adopted the following principle as our guide: "The best one of you the one who is the most useful to others". We have preferred to make better quality production instead of earning more money. We have determined the commercial codes of conduct as a lantern enlightening our way. In these days when we celebrate our 35th year, We are experiencing the happiness of being the leading and exemplary company of the sector in topics such as quality in production, and respect for all kinds of ethical principles of commercial life. The reason why we are being preferred. The most important reason why we are being preferred is our effort to revive the forgotten tradition of ahi order. According to the tradition of ahi order, production was made in respect to certain rules, single price rule was applied to the goods and broken or expensive goods would not be sold. Based on the tradition, an Ahi should be humble and honest and should not have the ambition of worldly possessions. He was supposed to remain true to his word, nobody should be hurt by his tongue. The human relationships we have established within the boundaries of these traditions create a trustful environment and our customers prefer us comfortably. Delivery Time We deliver all our projects complete and with high quality on the date we promise with our team expert in its field, adopting the understanding of debonair service, in line with the needs and expectations of our customers. The Accuracy We Display in Our Business We are aware that most of our products are the products for our children who are more valuable than our lives. We are aware that quality and aesthetics must be safe to carry any value. For this reason, we produce and assembly every product meticulously as if our own children will use it. Our After Sales Services One of the most important elements that determine the value of a product is after-sales service. We provide Service with the same interest that we show while you are buying our product. We do not regard the sales of a product as a first; instead, we regard it as a beginning. Acknowledgement We offer our gratitude to our employees, who have a big share in this success we have achieved, and valuable customers who prefer us.
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Aksevinç Park

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Информация О Компании
Код Nace: 251206
Зарегистрированные Палаты
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Ответственные Лица Компании
Mehmet Sevinç Менеджер Компании
Akif Sevinç Специалист по внешней торговле
Статистика Компании
1996 Год Основания
5-10 Количество Сотрудников
1000 Открытая Площадь
1000 Закрытая Площадь
5659 Число Посетителей
79 Получен Рейтинг Listofcompany

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