Dil Seçiniz
Mehmet Makina Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Şirketi

Firma Bilgileri

Twenty one years ago, i had established the Memak Machinery, on 1997, at a 80 sqm small area. Memak story has started with a small milling machine and by 2017 it became an activist company at the World market, which is exporting to the 55 countries. Twenty one years ago, i had established the Memak Machinery, on 1997, at a 80 sqm small area. Memak story has started with a small milling machine and by 2017 it became an activist company at the World market, which is exporting to the 55 countries. I appreciate many and many to all my friends, business partners, Memak Team, suppliers and customers, whom i walked together and whom we trusted eachother on this adventure. By the 5th December 2017, i have ended my adventure with Memak Machinery and i have passed my all shares on, without any relations with Memak Machinery. I want to share with you that now i will continue my story as Memet Machinery. Now we have established our new company, at Konya 4th Organize Industial Zone, 20.000 sqm
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Şirket Bilgileri
Nace Kodu: 289301
Kayıtlı Olduğu Odalar
Konya Ticaret Odası Konya Sanayi Odası
Firma Yetkilileri
Mehmet Büyükçiftçi Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
Firma İstatistikleri
2017 Kuruluş Yılı
50-100 Çalışan Sayısı
Açık Alan
Kapalı Alan
2657 Kişi Ziyaret Etti
38 Listofcompany Puanı Aldı

Firma Adresi