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Über Uns
Dogrular A.S. which first started its Industrial affairs in 1979 and in a short time completed installation and started production at the Konya-Meram establihsments.Paying attention to Client Satisfaction and Quality,Dogrular made production in a short time and became a trademark not only in motherland,but also in the world that millions of families use. With Konya Center and Istanbul Branch Directorates,it serves clients in the homeland and out of the country by continuous service before and after the sales. Dogrular,which exports 60% of yearly production to Middle East,Far East Asia,North Africa and Russian Federation has representatives in many countries. Dogrular isn’t pleased its position and has an understanding which aims to reach further targets by making big investsments. In 2005,Dogrular established the factory in Konya City Industrial Zone which has 26.000m² covered and 45.000m² open areas.By having high-tech machine park,researche-development and designing,planning,mechanics and tooling production sections and boosting qualities the Company are coming near by step and step to its targets. Dogrular with its long years experience,your criticisms, Encourgament and help aims to serve you for years




Nace-code: 469004
Zugeordnete Kammern
Konya Chamber of Commerce Konya Chamber of Industry
İsmail Doğru Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrates
Hasan Doğru Außenhandelsbeauftragter
1979 Gründungsjahr
200+ Anzahl Der Mitarbeiter
45000 Offene Fläche
45000 Geschlossene Fläche
2302 Besucheranzahl
77 Listofcompany Score Erhalten

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