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Select Hidrolik Makina İthalat ve İhracat Sanayi ve tic. Ltd. Şti.

Select Hidrolik Makina İthalat Ve İhracat Sanayi Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.


Über Uns
SELECT HYDRAULIC was founded in 2017 by engineers with many years of experience in production and sales. SELECT HYDRAULIC is export-based company and main activities are production and sales of parts for: - Iron and Steel Industry - Heavy Construction Equipment - Spare parts for Automotive Industry - Defense Industry - Customs Manufacturing Select Hydraulic has been producing wide range of products related to hydraulic cylinders, forging and casting with our production partners with very high quality and competitive price level.
Eingekaufte Rohstoffe



Nace-code: 469004
Zugeordnete Kammern
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Sevinay Demirci Verkäufer
2017 Gründungsjahr
0-5 Anzahl Der Mitarbeiter
2000 Offene Fläche
2000 Geschlossene Fläche
4063 Besucheranzahl
0 Listofcompany Score Erhalten

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