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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you may find frequently asked question on the project. Please write to us if you cannot find what you are looking for.

What is Listofcompany.com?

Listofcompany.com, ‘Konya Manufacturing Industry and Inventory’ is a search portal providing access to information and products of companies. Potential customers visiting the website may send simultaneous messages to maximum 10 customers from among the companies grouped according to industry, by using the “favorites” tab. They may download information on any company they wish as a PDF file.

How can I add my company?

Listofcompany.com offers a user manual in order that you may add your company with ease. Clicking on the ‘How can I add my company’ tab on the support page, you can download the user manual to easily add your company.

I added my company, but cannot see it.

After saving your company information on the system, your company page will remain inactive pending evaluation. After this evaluation, you will receive an approval e-mail. The e-mail will direct you to a private panel where you can check and edit your company information. After approval, your company will be added to the system.

What are the benefits of being listed in Listofcompany.com?

1) Thanks to the search portal, you will have access any information you need by entering many different keywords such as industry, GTIP, product name, and company name.
2) Your company will have a page of its own, where detailed information on your company will be posted. This way, you will be able to exhibit the products you manufacture or sell, along with their GTIP number.
3) Being both in English and in Turkish, the website will address a large audience.
4) Joining is completely free-of-charge.