What Is GTİP?
It is the abbreviation of Customs Tariff Statistics Position. In our country, GTIP, which is generally used instead of tariff schedule, is actually the name given to the 12-digit code in the Turkish Customs Tariff Schedule. It is called HS Code, Customs Tariff, Harmonized Code or Harmonized System in English. HS code has 6 digits all over the world. However, each country can use different codes of 4 or 6 digits after the 6-digit code according to its own needs.

It's Time to Add GTİP Code to Your Products!
The product coding system “harmonized system”, which is affiliated to the World Customs Organization and used in more than 170 countries; It is used for determining customs duties, keeping international trade statistics, determining and collecting local taxes, determining rules of origin, trade negotiations, monitoring products whose foreign trade “depends on such controls”, transportation taxes and statistics. By adding GTİP code to your products, you can make it easier for your target audience to access your products.