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Food and Agricultural Products
Nadir Avcan Otomotiv Gıda Tarım Ürünleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi Meram Yaka Şubesi

Nadir Avcan Otomotiv Gıda Tarım Ürünleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi Meram Yaka Şubesi

Company Information


Grow; For us, it means producing benefits for our country and our people.
We entered the commercial arena with the fuel sector…
Our experience over time; by developing our services, which we have grown with our mind, effort, effort and determination, and which we are proud of; It enabled us to take successful steps in other, different sectors as well. We have made a name for ourselves in the insurance agency, agriculture and construction sectors. We continued to grow with fast and sure steps, and while growing, we continued to make significant contributions to our country, our country and our nation by increasing both our quality and our manpower.
Together with all our employees, we have grown this organization with heart and effort.. We were happy together, we were proud together.. Success was our award, and the fruit was our quality and pride..
We set out with our first station in 1997. By opening an average of two new stations every year, we gained a noticeable momentum in the fuel sector until 2012. As of 2012, we turned our face to the fertile side of the land and started to serve the agricultural sector. In the same year, we entered the insurance sector and brought the service we offer to a higher quality level with the 7 major brands of the sector.
We have proven our company's service power to both ourselves and our nation with our new petrol stations to be opened, our ongoing hotel and workplace projects, and our investments in the agricultural sector. We supported our energy with our success and our success with our energy.
We have reached where we are today and the service power we have by working and deservedly together. As Nadir Avcan, we invested not only in material capital, but also in labor and human capital. Because we know that human is the greatest value and every educated person adds value and quality to their place, environment and the service they produce.
Nadir Avcan Group of Companies is a family from the top manager to the service people working in the field. Our family; It has individuals who contribute to the sector and the fields in which they work by improving themselves more and more, take initiative, and increase their dominance, success and service quality in their work day by day.


Contact Information
Company Information
Nace Code: 108501
Company Statistics
Foundation Year
200+ Employee Count
Open Area
Closed Area
2186 Person Visited
0 Listofcompany Got Points

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