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Afonal Mühendislik Makine Sanayi Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Afonal Mühendislik Makine Sanayi Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Company Information


AFONAL Engineering Ltd. Co. was established to manufacture and trade automated industrial machines and systems.

The product group of the company is "Industrial applications with robots (machine feeding, transport, palletizing, stretching, labeling, grinding, cutting, milling, welding), automated welding machines, special test machines, carrier robot arms, conveyor systems, packaging machines, case preparation, case filling, case banding and special purpose industrial machines for the needs of companies.

Customers' needs is determined in cost-benefit analysis and lean production perspective; builds it in a way that is suitable for development and delivers it in the best possible way. Follows all processes on behalf of its customers and suppliers by cooperating with experts, consultants and practitioners in their fields; provides project management services. It is focused on development together with cooperation not on the individual.

Its mission is “By trading special industrial systems, products and applications worldwide; enable small and medium-sized companies to grow and strengthen; also to contribute to the world economy and nature together with its suppliers and customers.

Its vision is “To be the most preferred company in its field by suppliers and customers at a global level”.





Company Information
Nace Code: 289990
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
A. Faruk Önal Company Owner
Company Statistics
2021 Foundation Year
0-5 Employee Count
Open Area
Closed Area
1883 Person Visited
67 Listofcompany Got Points

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