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Metal Products
Dinamik Metalurji Makine Otomotiv Gıda İç Ve Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Dinamik Metalurji Makine Otomotiv Gıda İç Ve Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Company Information


Dynamic Casting; was established from an experienced team that has developed itself in the casting industry. In line with the knowledge and experience gained; has adopted important factors such as customer satisfaction, quality production and on-time delivery as a company principle.

As an experienced Dynamic Casting team, we can proudly state that our company produces high quality cast iron, ductile iron and steel castings for our customers; It is one of the leading companies in Turkey in its field, serving in agricultural machinery parts, machine parts, pump and booster parts, automotive parts, work machine parts and many other fields.

The temperature and chemical composition of the liquid metal are measured after each melting to ensure castings conform to quality standards. In addition, spectrographic analysis of the metal is carried out during the casting at all stages for Quality Ductile Iron casting. It provides high quality uniform casting with its monitoring in non-specification elements. The process is kept under control with sand tests.



Company Information
Nace Code: 245113
Company Statistics
Foundation Year
200+ Employee Count
Open Area
Closed Area
2128 Person Visited
0 Listofcompany Got Points

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