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Anka Promosyon

Company Information


The most important fact that corporate awareness and experience have taught us; value of time... It is our job to supply the most suitable and fast way for you in all promotional items.

Being able to reach the best quality of all products in the fastest way has made us an expert in corporate gift sets. We do personalization and branding of your corporate messages and special gifts that will reach your target audience in-house. Being an integrated facility ensures that your brand investments reach the target without the slightest setback.


Dival Ajanda



Company Information
Nace Code: 461901
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
S. Gökçe Gökmen International Trade Director
Yasin Emre Yıldırım Company Owner
Tugay Özdemir Foreign Trade Specialist
M. Sami Yıldırım Sales Manager
Company Statistics
2018 Foundation Year
25-50 Employee Count
Open Area
Closed Area
4483 Person Visited
64 Listofcompany Got Points

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