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Erhas Boru ve Makina Ekipmanları Endüstrisi A.Ş.

Erhas Boru Ve Makina Ekipmanları Endüstrisi A.ş.

Company Information

Erhas Irrigation Systems has been producing “Pressured Irrigation Systems” which are the need of the agriculture sector since 1995. Taking place among the leading companies of our country and the world in its sector, our company carries out works on the usage, dissemination and development of the pressured irrigation systems in our country and in the world with the products it produces. Our Vision; is to be the leader in the customer preferences in Turkey and in the world with the products we produce under the light of our management and production strategies we have constituted within the framework of our basic quality policy. Our Mission; is to create a safe, peaceful, transparent, democratic and profitable atmosphere working professionally in the frame of a team philosophy with its employees, customers, product and service providers and to provide their sustainability. Therefore, Erhas is an advanced and distinguished corporation in Turkey and in the world.


Purchased Raw Material



Company Information
Nace Code: 222103
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Industry Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
İsmail Çoşkun Chairman of the Board of Directors
Gökhan Yılmaz Foreign Trade Specialist
Company Statistics
1995 Foundation Year
200 Employee Count
29.000 Open Area
29.000 Closed Area
5026 Person Visited
80 Listofcompany Got Points

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