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Food and Agricultural Products
Göztepeler Gıda ve İhtiyaç Maddeleri

Company Information

Goztepeler Food, Clean and healthy products in line with customer demands and ensuring customer satisfaction, in accordance with all legal regulations and standards related to Food Safety, Quality, Worker Health Assurance and Environmental Management, By constantly raising the knowledge and awareness of our employees, increasing their motivation and performance, it carries out its work with all self-sacrifice and effort in consideration of increasing success in order to make today more beneficial than yesterday.

Hamidiye, Rifat Minare, Ege Altın Hasat

Purchased Raw Material



Company Information
Nace Code: 463403
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Merchants and Craftsmen
Company Officials
Ramazan Göztepe Company Owner
Company Statistics
2011 Foundation Year
5-10 Employee Count
350 Open Area
350 Closed Area
3025 Person Visited
80 Listofcompany Got Points

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