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Hasan Pullukcu Pullukcu Galvaniz

Company Information


In 1997, our company started its activities by Hasan Pullukçu by making electro zinc galvanized coating as Pullukçu Galvaniz Coating. While there were only cr+6 passivations in the first years of its establishment, the application process was started in 2007 for the passivations with cr+3 valence.

Our company started its first establishment in 1997 in a 90 m2 small workshop and has been operating in a short time on 250 m2 500 m2 and now 1200 m2 with a purification system. We have added some machinery production as a service to the coating industry in our activities.

In 2013, as Pullukçu Makina, we produce centrifugal drying, centrifugal oil filtration, tunnel type washing, tunnel type drying and chip removal and washing machines. Currently, our company title continues as Pullukçu Galvaniz Coating Machinery and Chemistry.

We provide coating services to Konya and surrounding cities in Central Anatolia. We send our machine production to all provinces and districts of Turkey and to some countries abroad. We have always adopted the principle of being a pioneer company that brings innovations and firsts. In this way, we have made our name Pullukçu a good quality honest brand and we continue to move forward on this path.



Company Information
Nace Code: 000000
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Industry Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
Hasan Pullukçu Company Owner
Company Statistics
1997 Foundation Year
0-5 Employee Count
300 Open Area
300 Closed Area
4515 Person Visited
70 Listofcompany Got Points

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