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Norm Hidrolik & Pnömatik

Company Information


Our company, which started its activities in the wholesale marketing sector of auto spare parts in 2000 and switched to the hydraulic-pneumatic sector in 2003, took its place in the sector. Our company, which accelerated its growth in 2008, continues on its way with confident steps in the sector by adding it to its production. Our company, which has domestic and foreign markets in its sector since the day it was founded and has been expanding this market network day by day, has been a company that prioritizes customer satisfaction and attaches importance to R&D studies. As a result of the advanced technology used in production, it has reached a superior level in product quality.



Purchased Raw Material



Company Information
Nace Code: 281303
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
Mustafa Adam Company Owner
Company Statistics
2001 Foundation Year
10-25 Employee Count
200 Open Area
200 Closed Area
4603 Person Visited
76 Listofcompany Got Points

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