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Heating and Cooling Systems
Sovo Mekanik Anonim Şirketi

Company Information


Sovo Mechanical Inc. was established in 2021. Founded by the founders' 60 years of collective engineering experience into a dynamic new company, Sovo is a company where you can supply all the products you may need for mechanical installation, especially ventilation.

Sovo A.Åž., which has Samsung, Çukurova, Armacell Oneflex, AldaÄŸ, Form, AFS, S&P, Dipaz, and many more companies in its strong partnership network, also manufactures flanges, corners, and G-Clips for air ducts, U, L and C profiles used in the mechanical installation.





Company Information
Nace Code: 259921
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
Emir Hasan Öztürk Company Owner
Company Statistics
2021 Foundation Year
5-10 Employee Count
1450 Open Area
1450 Closed Area
3808 Person Visited
58 Listofcompany Got Points

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