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Global Hidrolik - Hasan Uçar

Company Information

Our Company is the leader exporter and producer of mobil hydraulic component and we would like to make our company and its products known to you. We have already experience in export business, particularly in European, Middle East, Asia and Africa markets. Our production programe: - HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMPS - HYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPS -BENT AXIS PISTON PUMPS -P.T.O ( POWER TAKE-OFF) -HYDRAULIC DIRECTIONAL AND UMITATION VALVE -HYDRAULIC ADAPTER -MOBIL HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT If you are interested, we will be happy to send you any further information. We may be available in the near future to discuss the subject with you as well. Thanking for your kind interest and we look forward your early reply, we remain,


Purchased Raw Material



Company Information
Nace Code: 281205
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce Union Chamber of Merchants and Craftsmen Konya Chamber of Merchants and Craftsmen
Company Officials
Hasan Uçar Company Owner
Hasan Uçar Foreign Trade Specialist
Company Statistics
2002 Foundation Year
0-5 Employee Count
40 Open Area
40 Closed Area
4824 Person Visited
88 Listofcompany Got Points

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