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Krom Hidrolik Mekatronik Savunma Mühendislik Otomotiv Madencilik Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Krom Hidrolik Mekatronik Savunma Mühendislik Otomotiv Madencilik Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Company Information


About us

Our company designs and produces cylinders in standard and special sizes for different sectors. All important stages in cylinder production such as machining, welding, assembly and painting are carried out by our company. CNC machines, honing machines and other industrial machines are used in the manufacturing stages.


By using quality engineering and workforce in Turkey; To be one of the best and most innovative companies serving worldwide in the hydraulic industry.


To design, produce and complete safe, high-quality and cost-effective hydraulic projects; Complying with the work schedule agreed with our customers and ensuring quality standards



Company Information
Nace Code: 281205
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
Alperen Yavuz Company Owner
Company Statistics
2024 Foundation Year
0-5 Employee Count
Open Area
Closed Area
1295 Person Visited
68 Listofcompany Got Points

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