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Lenda Makine

Company Information


Our company has been producing engine reconditioning machines since the 1990s. Realizing the professional production in its field, it produced the "Engine Renewal Machines", which are not produced in Turkey, and experienced the pride of contributing to the national economy. Lenda Machinery, which still has the largest investment and product range in its field, has also guided its competitors and pioneered the development of the sector in Turkey. In our company, each machine is designed with R&D studies, taking into account the wishes of the users, and each new feature added meets a different need. For this reason, special attention is paid to the safety of the machines, paying attention to quality, practical use and performance in our products.



Company Information
Nace Code: 000000
Company Officials
Abdullah Sunna Company Executive
Company Statistics
Foundation Year
200+ Employee Count
Open Area
Closed Area
1641 Person Visited
0 Listofcompany Got Points

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