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SRD Makine Tarım ve İnşaat San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. (Elevatorsan)

Srd Makine Tarım Ve İnşaat San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. (elevatorsan)

Company Information

Elevatorsan is producing the important parts of transportation and packaging systems like z type elevators, dumper elevator, screw conveyors, mixers, pvc-modular-conveyor bands, aero-mechanic conveyors, flexible screw conveyors, cement/gypsum/calcite silos with precise. To get the better results, we’re doing a research-development and making effort depends on your choices about products you want to store or transport (whether hot or frozen, acidic or chemical, or food products). You can find any solution for your problems about transportation and storage systems those suitable for your request in Elevatorsan. Solving the transportation and storage problems of our valuable customers is a pleasure for Elevatorsan. Elevatorsan is applicating the production stage after designing the products in cad/cam environment and making the necessary analysis. Elevatorsan is cutting the components, whether sheet or chrome-nickle (stainless) or charbon steel, of products that produced by Elevatorsan with laser cutting.


Purchased Raw Material



Company Information
Nace Code: 289306
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
Sami Demirci Chairman of the Board of Directors
Mustafa Özgür Foreign Trade Specialist
Company Statistics
2004 Foundation Year
25-50 Employee Count
5600 Open Area
5600 Closed Area
7360 Person Visited
90 Listofcompany Got Points

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