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On-Vehicle Equipment
Arnikon Mühendislik A.Ş.

Company Information


ARNIKON has been created in 2014 and since then it has been the address of quality and professionalism in the
production of electric cranes and has continued its activity by keeping customers’ satisfaction at the highest level with
more than 1500 projects completed.
With our closed production area of 10000 square meters, we are confidently walking on our way to becoming one of
the most preferred brands of our country and even in the world with our annual production capacity of 450 cranes.
In order to better serve our customers, we have expanded our service network with our dealers around the world.
Starting with the city of Konya where our factory is implanted, we are present in other cities of Turkey such as Marmara,
Çukurova, Ankara, and Kayseri. Abroad, we are present in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, Morocco, Bosnia, Cuba, Russia and Ukraine.
Our crane systems are manufactured according to the norm and standard DIN - FEM - ISO 9001 (2015) and TSE. We work
meticulously together with our clients from pre-project designing to after-sales service.
To ensure extensive after-sales service, ARNIKON has trained maintenance teams and
spare parts support is available 24/7.


Arnikon, Kulekon

Importing Countries
Purchased Raw Material



Company Information
Nace Code: 282210
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
Bayram Ayçiçek Company Manager
Vail Abdulkafi Foreign Trade Specialist
Salih Cebeci Sales Manager
Selim Akbaba Salesman
Muhammed Aldalı Salesman
Vladislav Tuvaev Salesman
Taha Avcılar Sales/Marketing Manager
Company Statistics
2014 Foundation Year
50-100 Employee Count
1000 Open Area
1000 Closed Area
5083 Person Visited
95 Listofcompany Got Points

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