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On-Vehicle Equipment
Konakkar Hidrolik Makine Elekt. Eletronik Otom. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Konakkar Hidrolik Makine Elekt. Eletronik Otom. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Company Information

Akkar Hydraulic Crane has been serving the industry for 20 years at home and abroad with its existing knowledge, technological infrastructure, machinery park and experienced workforce.


Purchased Raw Material



Company Information
Nace Code: 282210
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce Konya Chamber of Industry Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
Company Officials
Fatma Akkuş Chairman of the Board of Directors
Şükrü Kökçınar Foreign Trade Specialist
Company Statistics
2001 Foundation Year
10-25 Employee Count
200 Open Area
200 Closed Area
4244 Person Visited
36 Listofcompany Got Points

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