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Baş Mak Mühendislik Makine Plastik İthalat İhracat Sanayi Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Baş Mak Mühendislik Makine Plastik İthalat İhracat Sanayi Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Company Information


With drip irrigation, which is the process of giving the water and water-soluble agricultural materials necessary for plant growth, to the root zone of the plants in a controlled manner at the desired time and in the desired amount, savings are achieved with less water in response to the increasing water scarcity in the world.

In addition, while protecting against foreign plant erosion, it also saves on fertilizer and labor, thereby increasing productivity and quality in production.

With our 20 years of production experience, our main goal is to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level by combining all our products with reasonable price understanding and fast delivery assurance.


As a leader in its industry, NormDrip has a unique knowledge and expertise. We use this experience to offer our corporate and individual customers quality and innovative products that they can use with peace of mind.

In addition, we perform well above the industry average by using the latest technologies. Whatever you need, you can be sure you will find the best with us. Check out our site for more information.





Company Information
Nace Code: 201603
Company Officials
Sefer Aydın Baş Company Owner
Company Statistics
2020 Foundation Year
10-25 Employee Count
500 Open Area
500 Closed Area
2262 Person Visited
50 Listofcompany Got Points

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