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Konya Electrical and Electronics Sector Firms
Konya electrical and electronics sector firms produce in a very wide segment. Our companies, which have been producing for domestic and foreign suppliers for years, produce lighting, circuit boards, wheelchairs and other electrical sub-industry, especially solar energy. Let us now briefly examine these sectors.
Konya Solar Energy Sector Companies
Solar energy has many benefits, including low costs and a low carbon footprint. Additionally, solar panels can last for 25 years or more with minimal loss of efficiency. BC, when people used the sun's rays to kindle fire. It has been using solar energy since the 7th century. Additionally, the ancient Greeks and Romans harnessed solar energy by using mirrors for religious ceremonies.
Despite these advantages, solar energy also has disadvantages. For example, solar power generation may slow down on cloudy days and during colder seasons. Another issue is the initial cost. In addition, large surfaces are needed for solar energy systems to be effective. Solar cells are made from a mixture of semiconductor materials such as cadmium telluride, silicon, gallium, and arsenide.
Solar energy is produced through a process called photovoltaic (PV) arrays that are connected to an inverter. This inverter converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), which is easier to handle and transport. In addition, a control system monitors the operation of the solar park and ensures the availability of the electricity produced. Solar energy is not only used for electricity generation, but can also be released through other power plants such as solar thermal power plants.
Solar energy has a variety of thermal applications, such as heating and cooling buildings, cooking and water purification. The process is also used for molten salt technologies. Solar hot water systems are widely used in countries such as China and Israel. These systems primarily heat swimming pools and can also be used for heating and cooling purposes.
The leading solar energy producers of our country are located in Konya. In addition to solar energy, electric wheelchair manufacturers are one step ahead of other sectors in Konya. While almost all electric chairs in the market are imported from abroad, electric wheelchair manufacturers in Konya are our source of pride. You can reach our companies selling both domestically and abroad from the links below.
Konya electricity and electronics sector companies host the world's leading companies in control systems. As it is known, control systems form the brain of a structure. No matter how good a facility you build, if your control system is bad, the system you build will not have any function. The constantly failing control system can drive users crazy. In addition, electronic card manufacturers produce the world's best PCB cards in Konya.
Our companies in the electricity and electronics sector can also help you for all the products you need, especially lighting fixtures. You can find chandelier manufacturers who produce in more classic and heavy designs as well as stylish, modern style fixtures on our website.
The electrical and electronics industry is an incredibly large industry. Today, almost everything has a relationship with electronics and electricity in some way. In order to meet the needs of every segment from household appliances to automotive, from industry to SMEs, Konya electrical and electronics sector companies are waiting for your calls below.