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About the Firms in the Konya Elevator Sector
Today, residential areas are now built as high-rise apartments and residences. These buildings reveal the need for elevators. Today, almost everyone has elevators in their apartments. The fact that the needs for elevators are so high brings along the necessity of production. Elevator companies are engaged in the production of elevators on order in buildings. There are many types of elevator manufacturing. The elevator has ceiling, door, width, size and many more features. These elevators are made by companies according to the needs of the building. In order to manufacture elevators, a special place should be prepared for the elevator in the building, which was built first. After the current location of the elevator is ready, the features of the elevator should be determined according to the size and needs of the building, and then an order should be placed with an elevator company. After the order is placed, the elevator companies carry out all the manufacturing processes.
Elevator Parts and Types
There are certain parts in each elevator. At first, a door and a three-sided hopper are required to enter and exit the elevator. Ceiling and floor are the other two parts. These parts differ in all elevator constructions. The floors of some elevators are ceramic, some of them are glass and some of them can be iron. According to the width of the elevator, mirror-like accessories are also attached during production. While the upper ceiling can be produced simply, it can also be produced in glazed, ceramic or poster style. The diversity of these parts is shaped by the request of the building owners. One type of elevators are the transparent elevators you see in big shopping malls, these elevators are made with full glass coating. Depending on the size of the building where the elevator will be built, two or three elevators can be built.
Konya Elevator Sector
After the elevator requirement of a building is announced to a certain company and ordered, the company starts preparations. First, the company creates the necessary items for the elevator assembly and protects them in a special box at the company's construction site. After all the preparations are finished, they go to the place where the elevator will be installed together with these items. First of all, the reservoir where the elevator will be built must be protected. In order for this chamber to be reliable, scaffolding is being built and the process is progressing layer by layer. Working in an elevator shaft is a dangerous job, and it is usually carried out by a team of two professionals working in this field. If the construction of the elevator is not very challenging and difficult, it is generally not preferred more than two people. Before construction of an elevator is started, a 30-day program is usually established, and the construction of the elevator is finished on the last day. The reason why it is so long is that the construction of an elevator takes a lot of effort and consumes a lot of time, so that even a small job can only take a day's work of employees. During this period, all the operations of the elevator are carried out carefully and usually this process is done before anyone settles in the building.
After the elevator operations are completely completed, a special machine room, that is, the center area, is required for the elevator. Lifts and lowers of the elevator take place in this machine room. After the elevator officials complete all the procedures, the rest of the work is on the building owner. If the elevators in the building will be closed for any emergency reason or if they will be stopped for any reason, the building owner or his assistant does this from the engine room.with all processes Konya elevator companies will help you
Elevator Spare Parts
Elevators are a number of types of machines that act as elevators. For this reason, these machines, in a way, fall into the precision machinery section. It is necessary for the people who get on the elevator to follow certain rules and act accordingly. If these rules are not followed, the life of the elevator is shortened and even dangerous results can stop. It is said that after the elevator is built by the authorities, it will be checked at certain intervals by giving a date. These controls are very important and their control, that is, their monitoring, is very important for the health of the elevator. The second is to pay attention to the people who will take the elevator. Every individual sees that there is a weight limit at the top when they get on the elevator. It is very important to comply with these limits. If 8 people write rules like 630 kg on an elevator, this is the kilogram load that the elevator can lift, and more than that will damage the elevator. In this regard, because people are not sensitive sometimes, big problems arise in elevators.
The issues to be considered should be written on a certain part of the elevator by the authorized person and people should be made aware. There can be many factors, especially children riding alone, and in an emergency, such as a power outage, a breakdown in the elevator. It is necessary to remain calm and wait for the necessary help.
Konya Elevator Companies
When it comes to elevators, the only thing that comes to our minds is the elevators that people take in the buildings, but those elevators are not the only ones available. In addition, there are elevators used in the business area. Freight elevators used in business centers are elevators made for materials such as brick, tile, stone, sand to reach the top of the buildings. Although this elevator is different from building elevators in terms of shape and capacity, it undertakes the same task in terms of duty. Generally, people are not known to the freight elevator, but in some workplaces, workers can return under safety conditions to get to the upper floors. The manufacture of freight elevators is not like normal elevators. Since it is a simple elevator in terms of its structure, it does not cost much. A solid rope stretched from top to bottom and an open-topped container in the form of a square are sufficient. With the combination of these two, freight elevators can be zoned.
Konya elevator companies below.