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Metal Products
Cihad Metal Çelik Çatı Ferforje Otomasyon Kapı Sistemleri Sanayi - Mehmet Yüksel Kurt

Cihad Metal Çelik Çatı Ferforje Otomasyon Kapı Sistemleri Sanayi - Mehmet Yüksel Kurt

Company Information


Cihad Metal is a company serving in the metal fabrication industry.

Founded by Mehmet Yüksel Kurt in 1990, Cihad Metal offers high quality metal products and services to its customers with its experienced and expert staff.

Our company always prioritizes customer satisfaction and strives to provide the best service to its customers. Cihad Metal uses state-of-the-art equipment and tools, with a facility capable of large-scale manufacturing. In this way, we can provide fast and quality service to our customers.

Cihad Metal serves different sectors with many processing methods such as wrought iron manufacturing, door wrought iron, handrail, wall wrought iron, indoor wrought iron. Among the products we manufacture, there are various railings, stairs, steel constructions. Cihad Metal offers you the quality of life.


Cihad Metal

Purchased Raw Material



Company Information
Nace Code: 251206
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Merchants and Craftsmen
Company Officials
Mehmet Yüksel Kurt Company Owner
Company Statistics
Foundation Year
0-5 Employee Count
0 Open Area
0 Closed Area
2928 Person Visited
54 Listofcompany Got Points

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