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Metal Products
Sözen Endüstri Metal A.Ş.

Company Information

The company, which has been established by business people in the trade since 1954, produces and markets aluminum injection molding automotive parts, agricultural machine parts, furniture parts, machine parts, , lighting parts and other injection molded parts. Sözen Metal's vision is to provide added value to its customers and employees, to be aware of social responsibility, especially with its R&D and innovation-oriented expert and young staff, and is taking firm steps towards becoming the first institution that will come to mind in the sector.


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Company Information
Nace Code: 245301
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
Yüksel Sözen Finance and Marketing Manager
Emre Gökçil Certified Metallurgy and Material Engineer/Technical Manager
Company Statistics
2020 Foundation Year
5-10 Employee Count
600 Open Area
600 Closed Area
4243 Person Visited
84 Listofcompany Got Points

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