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Gms Mermer Makineleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Gms Mermer Makineleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Company Information

Our company has cooperated with a leading international company in the latest technological developments in order to provide the most accurate solutions to its customers and to deliver the best machines under the most favorable conditions since its establishment. GMS Machinery offers sales and after-sales services to our valued customers in the highest quality. Our company is at the service of respected manufacturers of our country with its expert sales and service engineers.


Purchased Raw Material



Company Information
Nace Code: 289203
Registered Chambers
Konya Chamber of Commerce
Company Officials
Nuri Gönül Company Owner
Company Statistics
2008 Foundation Year
5-10 Employee Count
350 Open Area
350 Closed Area
5225 Person Visited
87 Listofcompany Got Points

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